On 20 Aug 2013, at 03:36 , Roel Wagenaar <r...@wagenaar.nu> wrote:

>       DELIVER="/usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda"
>       :0
>       * ^X-RSS-Feed: .*rss2email
>       | $DELIVER -m System.rss2email/

Ah, that is nice. I can run through my procmail recipes and then to dovecot-lda 
for sieve purposes. Can I pass a value to it for \\seen like

dovecot-lda -o setflag="\\Seen"?

The night is always old. He'd walked too often down dark streets in the
secret hours and felt the night stretching away, and known in his blood
that while days and kings and empires come and go, the night is always
the same age, always aeons deep. Terrors unfolded in the velvet shadows
and while the nature of the talons may change, the nature of the beast
does not. --Jingo

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