Since I am using dovecot I do not have courier installed, but Courier had a very handy tool for making maildir folders called `maildirmake` which I used in some automated backup scripts. How do I duplicate maildirmake in dovecot?
for example: #!/bin/bash # v1.2a Testing for new dovecot install # Archive mail from folders without [0-9]{4} Maildirs # after they are 21 days old to a yearly folder MDIR="$HOME/Maildir" MDM="/usr/local/bin/maildirmake" YEAR=`/usr/local/bin/gdate -d "last month" '+%Y'` echo "The Year is $YEAR..." OIFS=$IFS IFS=" " for I in `find $MDIR -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d| egrep -v "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"`; do MYDIR="${I}" TBASE=`basename $MYDIR` # if [ ! $TBASE == "Maildir" ]; then TDIR=`dirname $MYDIR` TARGET="${TDIR}/.zz${TBASE}.${YEAR}" # echo "$MYDIR $TARGET" if [ -d "$MYDIR/cur" ]; then echo -n "Processing ${MYDIR} => ${TARGET}..." if [ ! -d "${TARGET}" ]; then echo "" echo -n "WARNING ${TARGET} does not exist. invoking $MDM ${TARGET}..." $MDM "${TARGET}" fi if [ -d "${TARGET}" ]; then # echo "$TARGET does exist, moving files" find ${MYDIR}/cur -type f -ctime +21 -exec mv {} ${TARGET}/cur/ \; echo "done." else echo "$TARGET does not exist" fi fi # fi done IFS=$OIFS -- Forever was over. All the sands had fallen. The great race between entropy and energy had been run, and the favourite had been the winner after all. Perhaps he ought to sharpen the blade again? No. Not much point, really.