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On Thu, 8 Aug 2013, John Williams wrote:

in order to not filter the same message twice or re-filter messages,
you've moved around manually?
That is not a problem.  The filtering process works perfectly when I
manually invoke dovecot-lda.  My problem is that I have followed the
instructions here:


and here:


and here:


but neither dovecot-lda nor LMTP seem to be triggered whenever I send
email from my MUA (Gnus).  At least, I *think* I have followed the
instructions correctly.  Would you like me to post my dovecot config
again, and the relevant portion of sendmail.cf?

Thank you very much for your help, I truly appreciate it.

As Stan already pointed out: a local delivery takes place only, when the mail arrives via a MTA. offlineimap synchronizes two IMAP folders, there is no local delivery at your side at all. Hence, neither LDA nor LMTP is invoked.

So I see two ways:

1) keep offlineimap to resync your local store back to the server and keep both in-sync.

Then you can:
1a) run offlineimap to get new messages from the upstream server and sync current local messages. 1b) remove the new ones from the local store and feed them _manually_ to the LDA or LMTP. Now the filtering takes place and they are re-added to the mail storage. 1c) maybe: re-run the process until no new messages got downloaded, in order to keep the server in-sync

2) no need for server messages in-sync with local message store

2a) setup a local MTA that accepts your domain and drops messages via Dovecot LDA or LMTP. Then get the new messages via fetchmail on a regular basis and hand the messages over to the local MTA.

2b) use fetchmail in combination with Dovecot LDA/LMTP. No local MTA necessary.

fetchmail will see only messages in INBOX as far as I know. So no filtering on the server must take place.

- -- Steffen Kaiser
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


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