On Mon, 2013-07-29 at 09:22 +0200, Attila Nagy wrote:
> On 07/28/13 13:49, Attila Nagy wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to convert my custom POP/IMAP proxy to Dovecot's. In this 
> > proxy I do more than giving back user name, password and the host and 
> > I need extra information.
> > Luckily all of them are available as variables, but more than one 
> > comes as user input (like user name and cleartext password) and I'm 
> > not sure how to pass them safely.
> > Obviously I would need a separator, which is guaranteed not to show up 
> > either in user name and the cleartext password.
> > Should I use escape (%E) here, or is there a better way?
> >
> Just for the record, this is what I use currently:
> password_key = dovecot/passdb^MAuth-User: %u^MAuth-Pass: 
> %w^MAuth-Protocol: %s^M
> Client-IP: %r^M

I have no idea what you're talking about. What is password_key? The
password that is being sent to the backend IMAP/POP3 server?

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