W dniu 28.06.2013 14:56, Axel Luttgens pisze:
> Le 26 juin 2013 à 13:16, Marcin Mirosław a écrit :
>> Hi all!
>> I just upgraded dovecot from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4. Now I can't login to imap,
>> proces imap throws segfault. Here is snip from dovecot.log:
>> [...]
>> 2013-06-25T23:06:47.827616+02:00 meteor dovecot: imap(mar...@mejor.pl)
>> <PaQ86ADgegAgAQRwHwsaswG8OyTTVbFC>: Warning: autocreate plugin is
>> deprecated, use mailbox { auto } setting instead
>> [...]
> Hello Marcin,

Hi Axel,

> Perhaps is it worth to try what the log suggests?

Perhaps you are right:) But I don't suspect that throwing segfaults is
the best way to remind about it;)

> IIRC, it's quite a long time now that autocreate's deprecation has been 
> announced.

I have fixed configuration. Sadly, dovecot still throws segfaults.

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