I'm not sure if this has any bearing on what you reported here, but I
do this:


When I open certain emails, the empty lines between paragraphs are
missing. If this is part of what you're reporting, I can pay more
attention as to which emails display this anomaly.



Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

On Wed, 22 May 2013 00:45:49 +0200
Christoph Anton Mitterer <cales...@scientia.net> wrote:

> Hi.
> I've made a strange observation.
> When having Dovecot (at least) with maildir and moving (via IMAP) mail
> received by some client (Evolution 3.4) into it the following happens:
> Regardless of whether the mail was originally(!) set with CRLF or LF
> (i.e. when I use netcat to submit the plain SMTP to the relaying MTA).
> When the client (Evolution) had received the mail via POP3 before
> moving it via IMAP into Dovecot... then the maildir file within
> dovecot is all LF.
> When the client however received it via IMAP, before in turn moving it
> on via IMAP into Dovecot, then the maildir file is mixed CRLF and LF,
> i.e. the body is CRLF, the headers are terminated...
> Well the actually bug here is probably in Evolution (as so many
> others... o.O)... but I wondered... what is Dovecot expected to write
> files? Platform end-of-line markers (i.e. LF in case of UNIX) or
> always network end-of-line markers (CRLF)?
> Cheers,
> Chris.

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