I am cleaning up some old users, and found that in every maildir folder there is
an empty file called maildirfolder, created at the time the original dovecot was

Is this empty file necessary for dovecot, or is it left there in an upgrade
proces and can it be removed?

Dovecot 2.1.7, on Debian wheezy.

Roel Wagenaar,

Linux-User #469851 with the Linux Counter; http://linuxcounter.net/

Antw.: Omdat het de volgorde verstoord waarin mensen tekst lezen.
Vraag: Waarom is top-posting een slechte gewoonte?
Antw.: Top-posting.
Vraag: Wat is het meest ergerlijke in e-mail?

If we aren't supposed to eat amimals, why are they made with meat?

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