On 15.5.2013, at 18.05, Trever L. Adams <tre...@middleearth.sapphiresunday.org> 

> I have been racking my brain trying to figure out why some may not see
> what I am seeing. The only odd part of my configuration that others may
> not have is:
> import_environment = TZ KRB5CCNAME=...
> This was added, if I remember right, at the request of myself and
> another so that LDAP configuration could identify with GSSAPI base
> kerberos. I do use it.

Can't really be related.

> userdb {
>  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext
>  driver = ldap
> }

What does this file contain?

What do you get in logs with auth_debug=yes and mail_debug=yes?

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