On 9.5.2013, at 21.13, Jonathan Hanks <hank...@ligo-wa.caltech.edu> wrote:

> I am working on a Kerberos/GSSAPI based setup that requires cross-realm
> authentication.  I have regular GSSAPI working, I can log in using
> pam_krb5 with password based logins or with the GSSAPI support when
> using a kerberos ticket in the default realm.

MIT or Heimdal?

> However when I attempt to authenticate using cross realm authentication
> the login fails (logs below).
> After perusing the source code I beleive that the problem is as such:
> All taking place in mech-gssapi.c
> 1. mech_gssapi_userok(...) calls mech_gssapi_krb5_userok
> 2. mech_gssapi_krb5_userok(...) calls krb5_kuserok(...) to verify that
> the given Kerberos prinicpal can log in as the requested user.
> 3. The authentication process is running as the Dovecot user so:
>  3a. krb5_kuserok(...) looks for ~dovecot/.k5login to authorize cross
> realm logins
>  3b. There is no ~dovecot/.k5login, thus no cross realm access is allowed
>  3c. It should be looking at the users .k5login ~poptest/.k5login
>  3d. This never happens and the login attempt fails

Heimdal's man page seems to say that it's first looking up the system user and 
using .k5login from that user's home dir. MIT's man page doesn't really say 

> I have the server set up to use system users specifically so that I can
> do cross-realm authentication.
> Do I have some basic configuration error?  How do I change the
> authentication process to run as the user requesting to login?  Should
> that be allowed?

If the auth process is running as root, you could patch the code to do that .. 
but seems pretty ugly to me.

> Another thought is to backport some of the patches proposed for 2.2 that
> remove krb5_kuserok from the loop.

With v2.2 there's a "k5principals" passdb extra field that you can set, which 
lists all the authorized users.

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