List, good evening, just installed a new Debian Stable (Wheezy). The Debian Stable repositories now include Dovecot 2.1.7 as standard. I haven't installed that because I wanted to try 2.2.x on this new clean install but unsure which 'pool' to use in the repository of autobuilds.

Wheezy became Stable on May 5, just a few days ago. I'm not sure whether to still follow the advice in the wiki for obtaining 2.2.x for Wheezy, which (understandably, because the new Debian Stable release has been so very recent) continues to refer to Wheezy as 'testing'.

Presumably, the packages in the 'testing' autobuild system pick up Debian's 'testing' pool libraries (or assume them to exist) and these may no longer be the ones needed for Wheezy because Wheezy is 'Stable', in Debian-speak.

Does anyone know, for sure, which autobuild pool to now use for 2.2.x for Wheezy?


2.2.x in 'stable-auto' doesn't seem to have changed since before Wheezy was released, whereas 2.2.x has changed in 'testing-auto', and I'm not sure what to make of that. Stephan does suggest that queries be directly written to him, but I posted here because I thought I might not be the only person who was unsure.

I'd be grateful for any advice,

regards, Ron

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