* Stephan Bosch <step...@rename-it.nl>:
> On 5/10/2013 12:12 PM, Christian Rohmann wrote:
> >Hey Stephan,
> >
> >On 05/09/2013 11:23 PM, Stephan Bosch wrote:
> >>It basically acts as a front-end to your normal MTA. First of all, it
> >>provides a convenient way to add SMTP AUTH support to any MTA. But the
> >>main goal for this project is to implement an SMTP submission server
> >>with full support for the LEMONADE profile
> >>(https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4550). It acts as a proxy server, so it
> >>doesn't queue anything; once the client sees a success reply for the
> >>message submission, it is already accepted in the actual MTA queue.
> >
> >I have one remark and one question:
> >
> >Remark: Don't forget XCLIENT / XFORWARD support to help the "real"
> >MTA understand who it's really talking to.
> XCLIENT is already implemented. But, afaik, this is only supported
> by Postfix. I also noticed a problem with XCLIENT LOGIN=<user>.
> Even when that is specified, Postfix doesn't allow relaying for a
> client authenticated through Dovecot submission. I am still not sure
> what I am messing up there (I did configure
> smtp_recipient_restrictions correctly I believe).
> What is XFORWARD good for? It looks very similar, but focused on
> dealing with mail filter intermediaries. I don't think this applies
> here.

It forwards the META data for logging purposes and is useful to create
consistent logging.


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