Zitat von Stan Hoeppner <s...@hardwarefreak.com>:

On 5/2/2013 8:12 AM, lst_ho...@kwsoft.de wrote:

IMHO if you say "VM" than the filesystem inside the guest doesn't matter
that much.


If you are going to insult you maybe should write it so non native speakers could find it (malarkey).

The difference of ext4/xfs are mostly the knowledge and
adjustability for special (high-end) hardware and the like. With a

XFS doesn't require "high end" hardware to demonstrate its advantages
over EXT4.  In his LCA 2012 presentation on XFS development, Dave
Chinner showed data from IIRC a 12 disk RAID0 array, which is hardly
high end.  Watch the presentation and note the massive lead XFS has over
EXT4 (and BTRFS) in most areas.  The performance gap is quite
staggering.  You'll see the same performance, and differences, in a VM
or on bare hardware.


It is not stunningly that a developer of XFS come out with a setup where XFS is the fastest at all.

Hypervisor providing some standard I/O channel and hiding/handling the
hardware details itself, most of the differences are gone. With this in

Again, malarky.  The parallel performance in XFS resides in multiple
threads and memory structures, b+ trees, and how these are executed and
manipulated, and via the on disk layout of AGs and how they're written
to in parallel.  Virtualization doesn't change nor limit any of this.
The block device driver, not the filesystem, talks through the
hypervisor to the hardware.  No hypervisor imposes limits on XFS
parallelism or performance, nor block device drivers.  Some may be
configured to prioritize IO amongst guests, but that's a different issue

While it might be true that XFS threading and the non-blocking/parallel design will gain some benefit, it is no longer true for all points regarding "disk" layout or estimate of i/o channels and disk spindles.

Worthy of note here is that nearly all XFS testing performed by the
developers today is done within virtual machines on filesystems that
reside within sparse files atop another XFS filesystem--not directly on
hardware.  According to you, this double layer of virtualization, OS and
filesystem, would further eliminate all meaningful performance
differences between XFS and EXT4.  Yet this is not the case at all
because EXT4 doesn't yet handle sparse files very well, so the XFS lead

So you have confirmed may suspection that XFS developers will find a case where it matters in favour of XFS ;-) In real world VM deployments most of the time there are vmfs volumes (VMWare) underneath, or NTFS (Hyper-V) and in many cases these are even taken from some form of SAN device doing its own mapping of fs blocks to physical blocks. With this a careful choosen disk layout inside the guest doesn't matter at all, if the Hypervisor does not or can not map this useful to the hardware.

mind your question should maybe more of "what filesystem is more
Hypervisor friendly". For this i would suspect the simpler the better,
so i would choose ext4.

Again, malarky.  The hypervisor imposes no limits on filesystem
performance, other than the CPU cycles, scheduling, and RAM overhead of
the hypervisor itself.  I.e. the same things imposed on all aspects of
guest operation.

You have forgotten that the Hypervisor also provide only a standard device "API" for the I/O channel which limits the possibility to do any hardware estimate/optimization inside the guest. So many traditional performance tweaks don't work as expected like physical block layout or alignment. The more "far away" in terms of layers you are from hardware the more difficult it get to optimize i/o speed with the traditional approaches. You can proof this by the myriand of benchmarks flying around all have another clear winner dependent on who has done the benchmark.

I know your history on insisting your are right in any cases, so this is my last post on this subject. Every reader should try to understand the differences on his/her own anyway.



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