Am 02.05.2013 17:31, schrieb Charles Marcus:
> On 2013-05-02 10:45 AM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:
>> "man mount" is very generic and doe snot cover any option
>> there is also no "man mount.ntfs" while "mount.ntfs" command exists
> ?
> man mount, at least mine, shows first the FILESYSTEM INDEPENDENT MOUNT 
> OPTIONS, then as you scroll down, you'll get
> to all of the additional filesystem specific options, ie, for xfs...
> So, not sure what you mean by 'does not cover any option'...

typo - meant "does not cover ALL options"

someone has to write the manpages, there are millions of options
all over the software-world which did it not make into manpages

google for "xfs delaylog" leads to
For mount options, the only thing that will change metadata performance
considerably are the logbsize and delaylog mount options

so how can it be redhat-specific if it is mentioned upstream?

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