On 2013-04-30 8:00 PM, Tim Groeneveld <t...@timgws.com.au> wrote:
After thinking about it a little bit more, I have determined
that just recombining the messages to send them to the client
will be too intensive, and will cause extra latencies when
retrieving emails.

Scratching my head trying to figure out what you mean here... ?

What do you mean by 'recombining the messages'?

Again - SIS would not be doing any 'recombining' of anything at any time, and certainly would *never* cause any latency when users retrieve mail.

Also - 'retrieve mail'? Are you talking about POP here? SIS is much more useful in an IMAP environment - if yours is mixed, ok, but can't really see how it would be of much help in a POP only environment.


Best regards,


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