On 14 Mar 2013 03:38, "Alex" <mysqlstud...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> >>> It's relatively easy.  On first starting TB with no account, cancel
> >>> wizard.  The use "Edit" -> "Preferences" or "≡" -> "Options..." ->
> >>> "Options..." to get to TB's configuration pages.  There, use
> >>> -> "Certificates" -> "View Certificates" -> "Servers" and finally
> >>> "Import..."
> >>>
> >>> After you've imported the needed cert, you can re-open the wizard with
> >>> "Create new account".
> >>>
> >>> You can also use this method to import a self-signed certificate
> >>> authority if you want to run your own signing operation.
> >>
> >> How does he do this at scale Phil?
> It appears that if you delete all the unsigned certs, then set up the
> account using all the proper ports and auth types, then just restart
> thunderbird, it works as expected. Upon restarting thunderbird, it
> will prompt you to "confirm security exception", then it automatically
> imports the cert for 993. It somehow seemed to automatically import
> the cert for 587.
> Can someone else confirm that restarting Thunderbird is a way around
> having to manually import the certs or change them later through the
> account settings menu?
> Does anyone have any experience with configuring Outlook to use
> self-signed certs?
> Thanks,
> Alex

Import it using internet explorer.  Follow the prompts.


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