On Feb 26, 2013, at 4:12 PM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:

> Am 26.02.2013 23:03, schrieb Charles Marcus:
>> Question: can you use arbitrary ports for secure IMAP/POP/SMTP? I don't 
>> see why not. You can use arbitrary ports for secure http...
> you still refuse to understand the difference between STARTTLS
> and SSL/TLS, we are speaking about 143/993 to not confuse
> your ignorance by bliss more as it is already the case

*scribble scribble scribble*

Can you two take it off list, for the love of FSM? Interesting that whenever I 
see dovecot@dovecot.org blowing up my inbox, one or both of you are always 


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