On Feb 24, 2013, at 10.04, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:

> On 23.2.2013, at 18.26, b...@bitrate.net wrote:
>> i'm a little confused about namespace configuration.  reading 
>> http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Namespaces , and looking at the examples, it seems 
>> that when a namespace is declared, you can either do "namespace { ..." or 
>> "namespace foo { ..." - i'm having trouble finding clarity on the 
>> significance of "foo" though.  it would appear it's not required, but then 
>> what is its purpose?  what does it mean?  does it imply something?
> It serves no other purpose than being able to refer to the namespace later in 
> the config file.
>> it's also unclear to me how to create the "default private namespace".  i 
>> see that there are three types of namespaces, but the list of namespace 
>> settings doesn't seem to include a parameter to set the namespace type.  
>> what am i missing?
> namespace {
>  type = private
>  .. other settings ..
> }
> They are private by default though.  Also the wiki page was somewhat out of 
> date .. I updated it now. It no longer talks about "default private 
> namespace" at all, since it probably just adds confusion (especially with 
> v2.1+).

thanks, this fills in the missing pieces.  are changes to the documentation 
wiki welcome from arbitrary folks in the community?  i know it's a wiki, and 
get the essence and all that, but just wanted to ask out of consideration.  i'd 
like to add a reference to "type =" in the list of namespace settings.


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