If you want both CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 auth, the password must be in 
plaintext format. 

(In theory it would be possible to have both CRAM-MD5 and DIGEST-MD5 hashes 
stored in the passdb and have Dovecot use the one that's needed, but currently 
this isn't supported.)

On 19.2.2013, at 13.38, Darren Pilgrim <list_dove...@bluerosetech.com> wrote:

> I have three postfix 2.9.5 servers: chombo, rush, yoshi.  Chombo relays to 
> rush and yoshi for outbound email.  Outbound relay requires SASL 
> authentication.  Rush and yoshi run Dovecot 2.1.12 servers with simple 
> passwd-file backends.
> If I create a new password hash for chombo's user, houseloki, on either rush 
> or yoshi:
> # doveadm pw -u houseloki -p <password>
> {CRAM-MD5}...
> Then I add that to rush and yoshi's passwd file:
> houseloki@_auth.bluerosetech.com:{CRAM-MD5}...
> Then `doveadm reload`, it works fine:
> # doveadm auth houseloki <password>
> passdb: houseloki auth succeeded
> extra fields:
>    user=houseloki@_auth.bluerosetech.com
> So I add that username and password to the smtp_sasl_password_maps hash file 
> on chombo, reload postfix, and then try to relay something from chombo, it 
> fails with rush and yoshi logging warnings like:
> Feb 19 03:32:33 yoshi postfix/smtpd[75783]: warning: 
> chombo.example.com[2001:db8::2]: SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication failed: 
> <really long string redacted>
> Rush and yoshi have other hashes in their passwd files, and if I configure 
> chombo to use one of those, it works fine.  Those hashes use digest-md5 and 
> are at least a few years old.  I tried that scheme instead of the default 
> cram-md5, as well as several others, but none work.  I've poured over the 
> wiki and man pages, but can't find the problem.
> What am I missing?  Why can I not generate new hashes correctly?

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