On Wed, 2012-12-19 at 09:49 +0100, Denny Schierz wrote:
> hi,
> I've got a very strange behavior: I uploaded old mails from a local
> folder (thunderbird / osx) to my Dovecot (Debian Squeeze) and now, the
> iphone (ios6) show the oldest mails first. The only thing I can
> imagine is, that Dovecot got from Thunderbird the newest mails first
> and last the old mails, so that in the last mdbox are the old one. 


> So, if it is correct, how can I fix it?

If iPhone can't sort mails by received date, then I don't know if
there's any really easy way to fix it. Basically figure out some way to
import the mails again in the correct order..

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