Dec 14 14:33:14 test2 dovecot: auth: Debug: master userdb out:
Dec 14 14:37:25 test2 dovecot: auth: Debug: master userdb out:
Dec 14 15:44:23 test2 dovecot: auth: Debug: master userdb out:
Looking at the proper home2 account, it appears that the username "home"
is being left out. This is definitely an issue with auth userdb.
This was on 2.1.12. I upgraded.
On 12/14/2012 10:00 AM, Jack Bates wrote:
Additional info by switching the home= and uid= settings in the config.
userdb {
args = home=/nfs/maildir/vmail/%u uid=vmail gid=vmail
driver = static
We got the effective id, but then home was unset and the user became
the home setting. lol