At 4PM +0200 on 26/11/12 you (Graham Leggett) wrote: > Hi all, > > I have some IMAP servers fronted with separate perdition processes, > and it would be ideal if I could collapse this down to having dovecot > do both the IMAP proxying and the IMAP serving at the same time on the > same IP addresses. > > One of the fields in my LDAP entries contains the canonical name of > the server that hosts their mailbox, and if I follow the manual at > I could add > the host field to enable proxying.
You also need the 'proxy' or 'proxy_maybe' field, which is a boolean (the field just needs to be present). If you just configure 'host' you will get login referrals, which is not what you want. > My question is whether dovecot has the ability to notice whether > dovecot is being asked to proxy to itself, in other words the value of > "host" is the current dovecot server, and when this happens, ignore > the proxy and just be a straight IMAP server, because the user has > connected to the right box already. This is what happens if you use 'proxy_maybe' instead of 'proxy'. Ben