Andre Bischof <> wrote:
> 2012/11/18 Daniel Parthey <>

>> Unsubscribed mailboxes are not shown in thunderbird, while subscriptions
>> being stored server side, not in your local thunderbird.

> thank you, I guess that will be helpful - but before trying it, I
> would like to get one thing clear, which could be the reason for my
> misunderstandings:

> IMHO I don't need any subscriptions, I would like to appear the
> imported cyrus folders and subfolders as subfolders in dovecot. The
> directory structure seperated by '.' in the folders names in my
> Maildir is exactly how I would like to have it in Thunderbird.

> Do I need subscriptions for that (I always thought subscriptions are
> to subscribe to other users folders, shared by them) or should I have
> that any other way?

"supscription" in IMAP-speak is the server telling the client: show this
folder to the user.

There is no differentiation between your folders an other users folders.

Your problem is that during your conversion from cyrus to dovecot your
subscriptions got lost. Maybe because the folder structure changed and
no longer matches the server-stored subscription or because the
server-stored subscription was not converted at all.


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