On Tue, 2012-10-30 at 00:48 +0100, Sven Hartge wrote:
> Noel Butler <noel.but...@ausics.net> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2012-10-29 at 22:39 +0200, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> >> So what do you think about v2.2 allowing delivery of one last mail even if 
> >> it brings the user over quota? 
> > +1  only if configurable, and with an additional configurable quota
> > percentage value option for those that do enable the function.
> > In 99.9% of cases I could never see a service provider wanting this,
> > but some small private businesses perhaps might see a benefit in it.
> If your user quota is 1GiB (which is not big, if you look at todays user
> quotas even at freemail providers) and the max mail size 30MiB, then a
> users max mailbox size would then be 1054MiB.
> Not an unreasonable price to pay for an easier to understand error
> condition, IMHO.

Sven ,
That's nice when it's one or ten, but you need to look at the big
picture,  what about 300K users, all doing the same.
Also, as to mail sizes, in decades gone by with dialup it was 5mb, now
days with DSL, Cable, FTTN etc, many that I know of use 50mb mail sizes
because that takes mere seconds now days.

Don't forget, in some countries, hardware is still incredibly
(criminally) overpriced, a 600G drive from HP in the U.S. is about 350
odd last time I looked, probably lot cheaper now, in this country (AU),
the same drive today is still around 800, and that was when our dollar
was 1.07 to the U.S. 1.00, even with taxes and customs and transport,
some so and so's are still making an absolute massive killing in

Of course the more appropriate way would be like most of us do now, send
the warning messages, if the users can not be bothered to keep an eye on
their quota or act when they get  mailbox almost/now full warnings, why
is it our problem :)

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