On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 20:06:17 +0200, Sven Hartge said:
> Bradley Rintoul <brint...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> > I'm using Dovecot to provide IMAP services for Thunderbird clients.
> > The user's mail is stored in Maildir format and the individual
> > emails which the user "receives" are actually downloaded and put
> > into the Maildir "repository" using a Python email client (POP3
> > client).
> > I am trying to create the dovecot-uidlist file and maintain the
> > "next UID" value within it, but I am having trouble with the
> > UIDVALIDITY and the 128 bit mailbox global UID among other things.
> > How can I "seed" a dovecot-uidlist file with these values..?
> > Sorry if the information is not much to go on, please let me know
> > what more information you might need to help point me in the right
> > direction.
> How about injecting the mails into the LDA. It will take care of
> proper delivery without the need for your programm to know the
> internal workings of dovecot.

What is an LDA?


Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
                          *  http://twitter.com/stevelitt
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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