Am 24.10.2012 19:21, schrieb Bill Shirley:
> Admittedly, I have not used amavisd-new or LMTP; they may be better. 
> But will they allow spamassassin per-user prefs? Performance is a plus;
> another daemon is not.  That saying, I'll run another daemon if I get
> something out of it.  Any benchmarks on this?

this went away from the orig post, it went to general design
of a email system, i think rob did explain the possible problems
to the orginal poster very fine

some people may start with local users as traditional
mailsetup depend on this next steps they are going to use lda
perhaps trying combined with spamc with local users
so there is nothing bad on it, its somehow old school,
after all, as said ,there are many broken advices out in www by all
setups, and sometimes there are mixed up by local and virtual, so people
may fail with permissions of local users , daemons etc

sometimes later if more domains should be hosted
pure virtual setups are the better way, and making stuff more simple (
but often people fail first in seeing virtual more easy  ),

lmtp is the best choice for it compared starting a deliver process for
each mail, its working as a service

So anyone should think about what he needs before starting to setup

i.e amavis is a well supported framework since long time, it has tons of
you might wanna have  and as well it can be used with per-user prefs

if you dont like the complex amavis style ( many functions have many
config points ), you could simple use a chain of milter i.e
spamass-milter ( also with per-user prefs ), clamav-milter

with milter you are able to reject on smtp income stage
which is very cool
anyway milters also have their pros an contras, read postfix sites about

i didnt tested dspam looks like it chained between lmtp
so perhaps also good choice, and could be combined with milters

i had other setups with chained spampd/clamsmtp
amavis on seperate filter hosts etc
all worked fine

but as dovecot/postfix development going forward , i redesigned all
these depending to have more functions and performance

so i recommand, use your working setups as i.e lifetime of your hardware
etc, but if building new mailserver choose modern setup ideas
and daemon combinations

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

[*] sys4 AG, +49 (89) 30 90 46 64
Franziskanerstraße 15, 81669 München

Sitz der Gesellschaft: München, Amtsgericht München: HRB 199263
Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Axel von der Ohe, Marc Schiffbauer
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