It seems to be a problem that ive seen occasionally on the web with few results as to a solution, but im experiencing it as well. Namely, dovecot creates index logs for users with a 600 permission, when it should create with a 700 permission. My indexes are stored in /var/indexes with the directory at 777 permission, the users are identified in MySQL. The error is as follows:

Oct 23 09:03:13 mailer01 dovecot: POP3 ( stat(/var/indexes/j/ failed: Permission denied (euid=10509305(x10509305) egid=81607(pg199275) missing +x perm: /var/indexes/j)

the permissions of /var/indexes/j are 700, owned by the euid and egid effectively. the only file that does not have this permission is in /var/indexes/j/, at 600.

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