On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 08:47:09PM -0300, Ricardo wrote:
> Hello list


> I have problems installing the daemon dovecot-core, dovecot-mysql
> dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d


> to install dovecot-core, dovecot-mysql, install it without problems
> is the version (2.1.7-2 ~ bpo60 +1) of both packages, now wanting to
> install dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d (version 1.2.15-7) breaks the
> dovecot-core, dovecot-mysql, apparently must be the same version all
> packages.

Yea, of course you must use the same version for all packages.
Upstream there is only one package for dovecot. It's part of Debian's
philosophy to split monolithic packages into a bunch separate packages.

> Debian Wheezy, installs without problems but installs the version
> (dovecot-core_2.1.7-2 ~ ppa12.04 +1 _i386.deb) all packets are the
> same version.

This no Debian version schema but from Ubuntu 12.04. I don't know if
they work correct on Debian.

> What is the correct version for Debian squeeze?

Stock Squeeze ships Dovecot in Debian version 1.2.15-7. Squeeze
Backports offers version 2.1.7-2~bpo60+1.

To install Dovecot 2.1 for Debian Squeeze:

        % sudo apt-get update
        % apt-get -s -t squeeze-backports install dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d 

The '-s' switch simulates the installation and works without root
privileges. If you get no error and apt shows to install version
2.1.7-2~bpo60+1 repeat the command with a preceding 'sudo ' and no


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