On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 05:16:06PM +0300, Timo Sirainen wrote:
On 24.9.2012, at 16.48, Philippe Chevalier wrote:
dovecot: auth-worker(99126): Error: passwd(x...@domain.org,
getpwnam() failed: Invalid argument
I guess it's because the login is a full email that getpwnam fails.
So if you log in as nonexistent user "foo.bar" it doesn't log an error, but if you log in
as "foo@bar" it does? The attached patch probably fixes it?
If I log in as a non-existent user (neither in passwd or ldap), without the
domain part, it logs also an error, but this time from ldap :
dovecot: auth: Error: ldap(foo.bar,xx.xx.xx.xx,<bCVDqnPKXQC8pSxD>): ldap_bind()
failed: Invalid DN syntax
My bind DN to check the password is :
auth_bind_userdn = dc=%n,dc=%d,ou=Domains,ou=Mail,dc=dspnet,dc=fr
(I have virtual users in multiple domains)
So ldap protests probably because the "domain" part is missing.
If I use a non-existent login "foo@bar", dovecot logs nothing : no error from
passwd, no error from ldap, just an authentication error on the client side.
I will apply the patch later today and will let you know the result.
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