On Sep 20, 2012, at 8:53 AM, Ben Johnson wrote:

> Thanks again, Tom. After you set me straight on the various versions of
> the plug-in, I was able to synthesize the relevant documentation and
> make it all work on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Dovecot 2.
> The key was to understand the following:
> 1.) The Ubuntu repositories use the Johannes versions of the plug-in
> (for both Dovecot 1 and 2).
> Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Dovecot 1)
> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man7/dovecot-antispam.7.html
> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Dovecot 2)
> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man7/dovecot-antispam.7.html
> 2.) The Dovecot 2 Wiki instructions for the Antispam plug-in refer to
> the Eugene version, and that version's configuration directives differ
> from the Johannes version 2 directives.

Is there a Johannes version 2?

I understood that Johannes dropped support at dovecot 2.x and that is why 
Eugene's version exists.

> So, anyone attempting to follow
> the Wiki article on Ubuntu will need to adapt the directives accordingly
> (see documentation links above for equivalent directive names).
> 3.) The sample "/usr/bin/sa-learn-pipe.sh" script in the Dovecot 2 Wiki
> instructions lacks a shebang; until a proper shebang is added to the
> shell script, script execution will fail with "status 1". I added the
> standard shebang:
> #!/bin/sh
> Here are the configuration directives that work for me:
> plugin {
> antispam_debug_target = syslog
> antispam_backend = pipe
> antispam_signature = X-DSPAM-Signature
> antispam_signature_missing = error
> antispam_spam_pattern_ignorecase = SPAM;JUNK
> antispam_pipe_tmpdir = /tmp
> antispam_pipe_program = /usr/bin/sa-learn-pipe.sh
> antispam_pipe_program_spam_arg = --spam
> antispam_pipe_program_notspam_arg = --ham
> }
> My final goal is to get the version 1 plug-in working with Dovecot 1.2.9.

If I were implementing Johannes  antispam plugin with Dovecot 1.2.9 I would 
follow Johannes documentation.

Bradley Giesbrecht (pixilla)

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