Am 24.08.2012 13:35, schrieb Jahnke-Zumbusch, Dirk: > Hi all, > >>>> Having set up my mail server (Dovecot/Postfix), users are experiencing >>>> long delays (a couple of minutes) when sending mail from mail client >>>> such as Thunderbird - this increases with attachments. Having had a > > While in the first place sending e-mail has to do with SMTP and not IMAP, > most mail client programs are configured to save a copy of an e-mail using > FCC (file carbon copy) by putting this copy via IMAP into some "Sent" > folder. And here you are: this may explain the long delays, esp. if on > some asymmetric connection like DSL with low upstream bandwith. > > Just my 2c > > Cheers and have a nice weekend > > > -- > Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY >
very true, but tb should show the copy action, unless its not configured not to do so -- Best Regards MfG Robert Schetterer