I'm trying to save some messages as compressed (via zlib plugin) and it
doesn't seem to work.

Here's a log line (I'm logging to stderr):

d k 1345467448.705591500 1345467448.705596500 1345467448.974808500 1650 
local.jost.krieger+h...@ruhr-uni-bochum.de 10909 80
Extra: -o plugin/zlib_save_level=9 -o plugin/zlib_save=bz2
lda(kriegjcb): Info: 
msgid=<20120820125728.58cc9172...@c2-4-7.noc.ruhr-uni-bochum.de>: saved mail to 
did 0+0+1

This probably doesn't make much sense to anyone except the last line but 1.
It is a somewhat complicated qmail/maildrop/dovecot setup, which works
for the standard cases.
The Extra gets interpolated into the lda command and this works because
an incorrect option blows up the delivery.

The mails arrive uncompressed.

So here's the questions:

1. Is it possible to have compressed/uncompressed mails mixed in an
2. Will it work via "-o" in lda delivery?

I tried to find out in the source but found it hard to see which options
are pulled in when.

Jost Krieger
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