On 2012-07-15 6:24 PM, Sean Kamath <kam...@moltingpenguin.com> wrote:
On Jul 15, 2012, at 4:34 AM, Charles Marcus wrote:
On 2012-07-15 4:50 AM, Sean Kamath<kam...@moltingpenguin.com> wrote:
Before I dive in and upgrade everything, am I missing something
dovecot -n output maybe
Certainly (wasn't on the list of "things to put in a post" on the web
site, so I missed it):
Which website?
I have suggested that Timo put a short simple list of troubleshooting
suggestions (ie, asking for dovecot -n output and basic non-verbose logs
(unless/until asked for verbose logs)) in the welcome message when
subscribing to the list (like postfix does)... but in all honesty, most
people don't read those either.
Regardless, providing configuration details and logs exhibiting the
problem is one the most basic requirements when asking for help on any
email support list I've ever been on...
Not sure how anyone was supposed to guess that you were using sendmail
And even when you replied to toms message suggesting you provide some
logs, you still didn't...
We'll be happy to try to help you, but we'll need your help in order to
do that...
Best regards,