Am 09.07.2012 10:17, schrieb Reindl Harald: > > > Am 09.07.2012 07:48, schrieb Wojciech Puchar: >>> disagreed with my statement, then agreed with it. Apparently you didn't >>> realize you did so. Would you please clarify what I stated that is >>> "simply not true"? You comment WRT SSD doesn't prove anything I said to >>> be untrue. Quite the contrary, you reinforced my statements. >>> >> Actually the only storage i use are mainstream SATA drives > > ouch - that said and your offlist discussion why SAN storages > are crap for you gives a picture - nobody, really nobody is > using SATA for any production-storage >
Hi, sorry SATA is running fine here, by the way please show tec detail measures about filesystems , different storages, hardware envolved and tec evidence for your discusions related to dovecot. I know this is a difficult theme, and test results may controversial, but it shouldnt be a point for hot flames so it may be better, doing it offlist. Meanwhile why dont just post real working storage/filesystems examples with big used dovecot setups, which may help everybody, perhaps in the wiki After all we decide doing a big test setup to clear all this questions. -- Best Regards MfG Robert Schetterer