
 I am implementig Dovecot as a part of my new e-mail server, which is aimed
to be replacement for proprietary software I've been using sofar.

Appreciating all Dovecot rich features, I lack just one. And this is the
ability to customize the "quota exceeded, message rejected" message. I know
I can set it's default content using quota_exceeded_message parameter, but
i would also like to have ability to set:

- to whom the message is sent. Some mail systems send copy not only to the
sender, but also to the recipient. It makes sense in case rejected message
has big size.

- it's subject

- if the rejected message is being attached ( with or without it's own
attachments ) or not

Moreover, I think it would make sense if the "rejected messege" contained
information about size of rejected message and current mailbox space usage.

 Please, consider this in future development.

 with regards and respect to the tremendousness of Dovecot,



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