Hi Stephan, 

Stephan Bosch <step...@rename-it.nl> writes:

> On 6/22/2012 1:28 AM, Johnny wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to st up Offlineimap to use Dovecots LDA to be able to use
>> Sieve for mail filtering, but am not sure how to get this working. I
>> think the right way would be to use 'preauthtunnel' in .offlineimaprc
>> and try the setup below, which doesn't work.
> [...]
>> Has anyone got any tips on how to get offlineimap to send mail to
>> Dovecot in a way that Siev3e can be used?
> Could you show your dovecot config (dovecot -n output) here? I'm
> wondering whether you have enabled the Sieve plugin for LDA.

I haven't set up Sieve yet, as I haven't been able to figure out how to
use the Dovecot LDA. Or is this not required to run Sieve? 

Here's my config:

| mbox_write_locks = fcntl                                |
| namespace inbox {                                       |
| hidden = no                                             |
| inbox = yes                                             |
| list = yes                                              |
| location =                                              |
| mailbox Drafts {                                        |
| special_use = \Drafts                                   |
| }                                                       |
| mailbox Junk {                                          |
| special_use = \Junk                                     |
| }                                                       |
| mailbox Sent {                                          |
| special_use = \Sent                                     |
| }                                                       |
| mailbox "Sent Messages" {                               |
| special_use = \Sent                                     |
| }                                                       |
| mailbox Trash {                                         |
| special_use = \Trash                                    |
| }                                                       |
| prefix =                                                |
| separator = .                                           |
| subscriptions = yes                                     |
| type = private                                          |
| }                                                       |
| passdb {                                                |
| args = scheme=MD5 username_format=%u /etc/dovecot/users |
| driver = passwd-file                                    |
| }                                                       |
| protocols = imap                                        |
| service auth {                                          |
| unix_listener auth-userdb {                             |
| mode = 0666                                             |
| }                                                       |
| }                                                       |
| ssl = required                                          |
| ssl_cert = </etc/pki/dovecot/certs/dovecot.pem          |
| ssl_key = </etc/pki/dovecot/private/dovecot.pem         |
| userdb {                                                |
| args = username_format=%u /etc/dovecot/users            |
| driver = passwd-file                                    |
| }                                                       |


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