* Timo Sirainen <dovecot@dovecot.org>:
> On 1.6.2012, at 23.58, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
> > Besides pulling together all the data we also think it would be useful to 
> > have
> > an SNMP interface to access the stats.
> I had thought about SNMP before also, but for the current kind of stats that
> are exported I couldn't think of any reasonable way to export them.

I am not an expert on SNMP, others in my office are, but as I understand it
there's no need for Dovecot to export the data. AFAIK Dovecot would have to
offer a subagent, which could be queried by a SNMP server.

If we need more knowledge on SNMP I can ask my folks on the team to give some
guidance. For the moment I found this:

> > Here are the stats we believe to be useful:
> > 
> > Login/Logout
> > - total number login success/time
> > - total number login failure/time
> ..
> I'll look at these later in more detail, but some important questions / 
> design decisions:
> Currently stats process only remembers things after Dovecot was started. I
> don't think getting these kind of numbers would really work like that.
> Perhaps all of the statistics should be permanently dumped to disk every
> ~minute or so + at shutdown and loaded at startup, so the numbers would at
> least normally always just increase since the first time Dovecot was
> started?

ACK. My understanding is: Statistical data are moments in time. The
application provides these snapshots. It is up to other protocols (e.g. SNMP)
and software (e.g. RRD) to gather and create time series and also to relate
data to each other in order to come up with ratios, timelines etc.

This might be a good opportunity to check out Howard's MDB database (in order
to get around potential future law suits concerning BDB usage ...).

> > Mailbox state
> > - Inflow rate (number incoming messages/time)
> > - Deleted rate (number \Deleted flagged messages/time)
> These operations/time type of things I had hoped to be able to externalize
> :) If stats process simply gives the raw stats, the reader could do this
> kind of summing up. Otherwise .. well, I guess it could maybe keep track of
> the current ops/<last 60 secs> and the reader would then have to read the
> value about once a minute or half or something. It wouldn't give exact
> results though.

ACK. I'd externalize them too. So dump the /time aspect and only give raw data
at moment of query.

> > Performance
> > - minimum time to write a message
> > - maximum time to write a message
> > - average time to write a message
> Within last .. day? hour? minute? ..

Concerning "message write time": the time the last message had to be written.

In general the stats update interval should be configurable in order to adapt
it to the overall system performance. Makes no sense to bring down the server
by gathering stats every nano second unless one likes self-induced DOS. ;)

It would probably be a useful strategy to update internal data on every event
and answer SNMP queries from memory but write the data to disc every once in a
while to have them when the server restarts. Besides that I don't see a use
case for sharing such data between processes such as exporting them to
memcache or anything alike. Do you?


state of mind ()


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