> On 29.5.2012, at 21.03, Cor Bosman wrote:
>> es, I am getting a list of sessions/users every 5 minutes through cron. Im 
>> already using "doveadm stats dump session/user connected"
> Actually that's not really correct behavior either, since it ignores all the 
> connections that happened during the 5 minutes if they don't exist at the 
> time when you're asking for them. I'm not sure what the most correct way to 
> do this kind of a graph would be :)

I dont really need to know how many total connections ive had. More an idea of 
amount of concurrent sessions/users. Wouldnt this be pretty accurate?

>> It's not a big deal or anything, just wondering about the weird patterns. If 
>> it's really dropping/gaining connections, id like to figure out why.
> Are you only counting imap/pop3 sessions or also others? Anything that 
> touches mailboxes are counted as sessions (lda, lmtp, doveadm, indexer, .)

We only have imap connections for now, nothing else. 


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