On 29.5.2012, at 20.17, Ron Leach wrote:

> On 29/05/2012 16:55, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>> On Tue, 2012-05-29 at 15:09 +0100, William Gallafent wrote:
>>> I would now like to add a webmail front-end (squirrelmail) running on
>>> the same server. In order to achieve this I would like to have
>>> squirrelmail connecting locally using IMAP, but without the
>>> certificate requirement.
>>> Do I need to run two separate dovecot instances in order to achieve
>>> this, or can I somehow configure different SSL requirements for the
>>> two ports?
>> for now you'd need to run two Dovecot instances.
> [Keen to do the same thing.]  I guess those two Dovecot instances could run 
> either on (a) the same machine, or (b) different machines - though using a 
> network-visible mail storage location.

> Does this dual-Dovecot solution become problematic if the mail storage 
> location is NFS?  I'm aware of the cautions regarding NFS access from two 
> different machines (case (b), here).  

Yes, NFS will cause trouble in that kind of a setup.

> If these two Dovecot instances were on the same machine (case (a)) but which 
> nevertheless used an NFS mail storage location, would we then also hit the 
> NFS dual-access problem from this single machine running the two instances?

If there is a single NFS mountpoint used by both Dovecots, there won't be a 
problem since there is only one kernel accessing and caching it. (I'm not 
entirely sure if there's a problem with more than one mountpoint, might be.) 
Dovecot itself doesn't internally have a problem with multiple Dovecot 
instances accessing the same files, regardless of where they are stored.

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