Hi all,

I followed the instructions here:
to configure Postfix to work with MySQL and Dovecot before discovering
PostfixAdmin (I was searching for a visual tool for creating users).

Since I had created MySQL database already for virtual domains and user
mailboxes (following the instructions I linked to earlier)
and PostFix admin's db too does the same.
Question #1: is there anyway to make all these work with together for the
creationg and use of virtual users/mailboxes?
or is there another visual tool for creating virtual users/mailboxes?

I had also installed Roundcube following the instructions on Roundcube's
page: http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Howto_Install

The questions now is:
#2. Roundcube came with its own database, which also stores user
Is there a way to ensure that the user information is picked from the
database created to work with Postfix (and not Roundcube's)?


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