Hello List!
I'm having some troubles for a client of mine: he has two ldap branches
which may contain valid users for imap login...
For now, dovecot is configured so that it uses the auth_bind:
uris = ldap://localhost:389/
auth_bind = yes
auth_bind_userdn = uid=%u,ou=user,dc=org
ldap_version = 3
base = dc=artemis
user_attrs = user_global_uid = 8 user_global_gid = 8
pass_attrs = uid=user
## other options
user_filter = (uid=%u)
pass_filter = (uid=%u)
default_pass_scheme = CRYPT
Unfortunately, I cannot manage to tell him "hey guy, uses those two
uid=%u,ou=user,dc=org and uid=%u,ou=external,dc=org
Is there a special way to do that ? Is it even possible ?
I cannot modify the ldap tree, so this option is out, unfortunately :(.
My dovecot version:
dovecot --version
Thanks in advance for your answers.