On 4.4.2012, at 14.38, Patrick Westenberg wrote:

> Timo Sirainen schrieb:
>> On Fri, 2012-03-30 at 21:37 +0200, Patrick Westenberg wrote:
>>> MTA --(lmtp)--\               /--(lmtp)-->  backend1 --\
>>>                  -- director --                         -- NFS
>>> MTA --(lmtp)--/               \--(lmtp)-->  backend2 --/
>>> IMAP-User -->  frontend1 --\              /--(imap)-->  backend1 --\
>>>                             -- director --                         -- NFS
>>> IMAP-User -->  frontend2 --/              \--(imap)-->  backend2 --/
>> The director above must be the same one for both IMAP and MTA.
> I know and it is meant to be the same in this drawing.
> However, in this scenario the director is a single point of failure.
> What would be the best way to get loadbalancing and high-availability?

Another director. They're meant to connect to each others and do LB/HA.

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