
I'm currently migrating our old (colocated) mail server (running a [terribly outdated, I know] dovecot 1.1.11) to a new VPS (virtual private server). The old server was running gentoo linux (which is mainly the culprit of the old dovecot version: gentoo was too much trouble to keep updating); the new server will run debian (stable: 6).

Debian currently has dovecot 1.2.15 in its repositories; not that much newer... I read in the docs about the auto-generated-from-hg debian dovecot packages for 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2. Which leaves me to the choice what version to use... OK, 2.2 is development, which leaves the choice to: 1.2.15; 2.0.x, or 2.1.x.

I would appreciate any consideration or thoughts on what version to choose.

On a related note, there is the possibility to switch from maildir to dbox. I did not really find much pros or cons, except from performance and standards-compliance (ability to use e.g. mutt on the server itself). Any thoughts?

About the server: we're just a small company. Think about 15 accounts, normal mail traffic, sometimes relatively large attachments (20mb+). Some accounts have many folders; some accounts are very large (5Gb+). Storage is on ext3, raid10. Performance has never been an issue; reliability and ease of maintenance is more important.

Vincent Schut.

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