As suggested earlier, I deleted all .imap directories and the log sync errors 
stopped - for a while.

They have now returned. It seems to happen for every mailbox that gets 

Dovecot version 2.1.1 with pidgeonhole 3.0.0 on Mandriva Linux.

Could this interfere with sieve filters? Several users have filters but none of 
them seem to do anything.

Mar  7 09:25:51 server dovecot: imap(john): Error: Log synchronization error 
at seq=2,offset=38708 for /home/john/Mail/INBOX/.imap/Weather 
Summaries/dovecot.index: Extension header update points outside header size
Mar  7 09:25:51 server dovecot: imap(john): Error: Log synchronization error 
at seq=2,offset=41576 for /home/john/Mail/INBOX/.imap/Zerna/dovecot.index: 
Extension header update points outside header size

Cheers and thanks,
Stephen Davies Consulting P/L                             Voice: 08-8177 1595
Adelaide, South Australia.                                Fax  : 08-8177 0133
Records & Collections Management.                         Mobile:040 304 0583

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