On 2.3.2012, at 5.35, Robin wrote:

>> My initial tests for CLucene were that it would take 30% of mailbox size
>> (compared to 50% for Xapian). But this was before I actually implemented
>> it to Dovecot.. I haven't really looked at how large the indexes
>> actually are.
> Did you ever make an fts_xapian plugin, Timo?  I've looked into Xapian as an 
> alternative to the solr codebase, mainly out of a dislike of java and its 
> downstream technologies.

No, but I can help you with any questions if you want to try implementing it, 
and even finish it if you get at least the basic index/search functionality 
working. You can use v2.1's fts-lucene as a start.

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