On 17.2.2012, at 4.46, Robin wrote:

>> You mean you deleted Solr index, so that it's empty? That should work too.
>> Anyway, in v2.1 Dovecot keeps track of what is the last indexed message in 
>> dovecot.index files. So if you're switching between backends or have messed 
>> things up in tests, you need to run "doveadm fts rescan" (for each user).
> # doveadm(root): Fatal: Unknown command 'fts', but plugin fts exists. Try to 
> set mail_plugins=fts
> I get this, despite having fts + fts_solr defined in 20-imap.conf as 
> recommended with the following plugin format stanza:
> plugin {
>        fts = solr
>        fts_solr = break-imap-search url=http://solrhost:8983/solr/
> }

Plugin settings don't do anything if plugin isn't enabled. And if you enabled 
it only for imap, then it works only in imap and not in pop3/lda/doveadm/etc..

> Should I be adding fts/fts_solr to the global mail_plugins setting?

Yes. Probably fixes all your troubles.

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