Am 20.01.2012 01:13, schrieb Timo Sirainen:
> On 20.1.2012, at 1.51, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>> I spent a decent amount of time last night researching the NFS cache
>> issue.  It seems there is no way to completely disable NFS client
>> caching (in lie of rewriting the code oneself--a daunting tak), which
>> would seem to be the real solution to the mdbox index corruption problem.
>> So I went looking for alternatives and came up with the idea above.
>> Obviously it's far from an optimal solution and introduces some
>> limitations, but I thought it was worth tossing out for discussion.
> I spent months looking into NFS related issues. I read through Linux and 
> FreeBSD kernel source codes to figure out if there's something I could do to 
> avoid the problems I see. I sent some patches to try to improve things, which 
> of course didn't get accepted (some alternative ways might have been, but it 
> would have required much more work from my part). The mail_nfs_* settings are 
> the result of what I found out. They don't fully work, so I gave up.
>> Timo, it seems that when you designed mdbox you didn't have NFS based
>> clusters in mind.  Do you consider mdbox simply not suitable for such an
>> NFS cluster deployment?  If one has no choice but an NFS cluster
>> architecture, what Dovecot mailbox format do you recommend?  Stick with
>> maildir?
> In the typical random-access NFS setup I don't consider any of Dovecot's 
> formats suitable. Not maildir, not dbox. Perhaps in future I can redesign 
> everything in a way that just happens to work well with all kinds of NFS 
> setups, but I don't really hold a lot of hope for that. It seems that either 
> you'll get bad performance (I'm not really interested in making Dovecot do 
> that) or you'll use such a setup where you get good performance by avoiding 
> the NFS problems.
> There are several huge Dovecot+NFS setups. They use director. It works well 
> enough (and with the recent fixes, I'd hope perfectly).
>> In this case the OP has Netapp storage.  Netapp units support both NFS
>> exports as well as iSCSI LUNs.  If the OP could utilize iSCSI instead of
>> NFS, switching to GFS2 or OCFS, do you see these cluster filesystem as
>> preferable for mdbox?
> I don't have personal experience with cluster filesystems in recent years 
> (other than glusterfs, which had some problems, but most(/all?) were fixed 
> already or are available from their commercial support..). Based on what I've 
> heard, I'm guessing they work better than random-access-NFS, but even if 
> there are no actual corruption problems, it sounds like their performance 
> isn't very good.

for info
i have 3500 users behind keepalived loadbalancers with drbd ocfs2 on two
lucid servers, they are heavy penetrated by pop3 with maildir on dove2 ,
in the begin i had some performance problem but they were mostly related
to the raid controlers io, so imap was very slow.

Fixing this raid problems gave good imap performance now ( beside some
dovecot and kernel  tuneups ),

anyway i would overthink this whole setup again going up to more users
i.e i guess mixing loadbalancers and directors is no problem, maildir
seems to be slow by io in design , so mdbox might better, and after all
i would more investigate about drbd and compare gfs ocfs and other
cluster filesystems better, i.e switching to iSCSI

i.e i think it should be poosible to design partitioning with ldap or sql
to i.e split up heavy and big mailboxes in seperate storage partitions etc
am i right here Timo ?

anyway i would like to test some cross hostingplace setup with i.e
glusterfs lustre etc to get more knowledge as base of a multi redundant

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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