:2011-12-28T10:26:David Pottage:

> I am currently running dovecot 1.2.15 on my home server. I have over 200
> folders in personal email account, and I have found that my smart-phone
> does not work well trying to display that many folders.
> I solved the problem by creating a second instance of dovecot running on
> a non standard port, and configured it to serve only a subset my email
> folders, so that way the email client on my smartphone works well and I
> can read the emails I am interested in on the move.

Here's a simple improvement.
Create a new email user and symlink just those folders you want to see
into it.

That way you don't need 2 instances just two different users and you use
one on mobile the other elsewhere ;)

Using virtual folders could be helpful as well. I have a New mails one
which shows me all new emails in all folders which helps in a lot of

Andraž 'ruskie' Levstik
Source Mage GNU/Linux Games/Xorg grimoire guru
Re-Alpine Coordinator http://sourceforge.net/projects/re-alpine/

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