* A.L.E.C <a...@alec.pl>:
> On 06.12.2011 11:29, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
> >> Are there any plans to support RFC5464 SETMETADATA, so individual
> >> users can name their "\Trash" folder "Skraldspand" in danish or what
> >> ever they prefer?
> Now I see in the hg that Timo doesn't implemented this nor
> CREATE-SPECIAL-USE. So, it's not so nice as I thought ;) There is
> metadata plugin. Should it be extended to support this?
> > I believe setting the name should be a mapping that takes place in the MUA.
> We have RFC6154 for this, don't try to be smarter.

>From my understanding RFC 6154 serves to flag some IMAP mailboxes in order to
indicate they should be used for special use e.g. as trash folder etc.

I fail to see how RFC 6154 would help displaying localized mailbox names.

Please point out.


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