
I have a fedora15 system with dovecot-v2.0.15, dovecot-pigeonhole and
and amavisd-new and would like to implement it on my system using
postfix. I've read the basic wiki documentation, but I really can't
figure out the proper starting point in my case. I've enabled
"protocol lda" in 15-lda.conf and added "sieve" to the list of

I'm trying to adapt postfix to use deliver as its LDA for multiple
virtual domains. I've added the following to master.cf:

dovecot   unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=DRhu user=dovecot:dovecot argv=/usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver -f
${sender} -d ${recipient} -a "${RECIPIENT}"

Is that the proper format? Is it okay to use the dovecot user here, or
should I create a new user? What permissions does this user need to

I've added the following to main.cf:

dovecot_destination_recipient_limit = 1
virtual_transport = dovecot

I have a number of procmail scripts and I've converted them to sieve,
but they didn't convert very well. Can someone show me how to convert
the following:

    :0 fhW
    | /home/alex/bin/process-mail.pl

The script skipped right over that. I'm also trying to convert the following:

* !BAYES_00
        LOG="DNSWL: "

The script only produced the following:

if true {
if true {
if true {
if true {
if true {
if true {
if true {
if true {
if true {
if true {
        fileinto "{";
        fileinto "      LOG="DNSWL: "";
        fileinto "      :0:";
        fileinto "      whitelist/dnswl";
        fileinto "}";

Any ideas greatly appreciated.


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