Having > 10 TByte mailstore filesystem-checks takes too much time.

At the moment we have four different partitions, but I don't like to set 
symlinks or LDAP-flags to sort customers and their domains to there 
individual mount-point. I'd like to work with mdbox:/mail/%d/%n to calculate 
the path automatically.

How do you handle >> 10 TB mailstore?

I'm very interested in the feature "alternative mailstore" with mdbox, 
because that makes it very easy to use at least TWO filesystems without any 
tricky configuration.

I think I'd love to have <n> alternative mailstores. Why does dbox doesn't 
look for its m.*-files in more then two directorys? Sure, looking in 4 
directorys would lead to four disc operations, but maybe it could be very 


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